Storm Thief
This story is set in the imaginary city of Orokos. The city is completely isolated. There is no way off the island; anyone who has tried has been killed. Two ghetto kids, Moa & Rail join a thieves group and survive by stealing. Probability storms plague the city. They are unpredictable and dangerous. They can cause simple changes or scary changes. During one storm, Moa went from being right handed to being left handed. During another, Rail lost the ability to breathe properly on his own and he must now wear a respirator. One day Rail discovers a precious artifact and decides to keep it for himself. But when the head of the thieves discovers what he has done, the kids are forced to run for their lives. Will they escape or will they be caught by the Protectorate & the secret police? Is there life outside of Orokos? Read & find out. Great sci-fi/adventure story.