Land of Stories - The Wishing Spell (audiobook)

Audience: Middle Grade
Format: Audiobook/Library
The dungeon was a miserable place.
- first sentence
This is the first book in the 6-book Land of Stories series and it is fabulous. Twins Alex and Conner Bailey find themselves in a land where fairy tales are real. The land consists of multiple kingdoms such as the Sleeping Kingdom (ruled by Sleeping Beauty & King Charming) and the Dwarf Forest. All your fairy-tale favorites are here, the heroes and the villains. The twins are desperately searching for the ingredients to the Wishing Spell which is their only hope to go home. Along the way, they encounter a talking frog, trolls, Queen Red Riding Hood, the wanted criminal Goldilocks, and even the Evil Queen (among others).
This book is loved by many students in our school and kids who start it don't want to put it down. There are a couple of instances where the language might be objectionable to parents (harlot, floozy), but it wouldn't keep me from letting my kids read the book. Overall the story emphasizes persistence, empathy, and kindness in the face of danger and hopeless situations.
I would recommend to grades 4 & up.