Nightbooks - audiobook

Audience: Middle Grade
Format: Audiobook/Library
After his family had finally fallen asleep, Alex slung the backpack over his shoulder and snuck out of the apartment, easing the front door gently home so it didn't slam shut.
- first sentence
This is Hansel & Gretel reimagined in the most delightful way. Alex is a bright child with a fertile imagination who loves to write. He is lured into an apartment and kidnapped by a witch who forces him to tell her stories. He finds the whole situation difficult to believe because even though he loves scary stories, he doesn't believe in things like witches.
I loved this book. It was a bit scary, so make sure kids know what to expect. Young fans of scary stories will delight in cheering Alex on as he tries to find a way to defeat the witch and escape her magical apartment.
Recommended to fans of scary stories or fairytale retellings in grades 4 and up.