Niceville is quite the misnomer...

Niceville - Carsten Stroud


... when it came to Missing Persons, Niceville had a stranger abduction rate five times higher than the national average.

- page 8


"One should not be required to know of events over which one could have no hope of influence."

- page 50


Niceville is a town touched by evil. It is located in the deep south in the looming shadow of Tallulah's Wall, a huge limestone cliff so wide and so tall that parts of the town are kept in its shadow until way past noon. On top of the cliff, inside an ancient forest is a large sinkhole called Crater Sink. No one knows how deep the cold, black water goes, and people stay away from it because it gives off evil vibes. There are 


This book is fun and creepy. There are several storylines that intersect in ways I didn't expect. I don't want to give anything away, but I will say I'm hooked. There are mysteries that aren't solved in the first book and I have the second book waiting, once I get past the final project for my graphic novel class.


I read this book for my 4th of July extra read for Main Street, a book set in a small town.

450 pages = $10.00