Booklikes-opoly status update
This game has been so much fun, but this is my last Booklikes-opoly post. I have a final paper due Sunday, so I won't have time to read another book by the 31st. :(
I am sad it's over, but I LOVED playing. Thanks to Moonlight Reader and Obsidian Blue. You guys are so creative!!
Bank: $92.00
July 27th
Finished Niceville by Carsten Stroud (4th of July extra)
450 pages = $10.00
Finished Drowned City by Don Brown (Free read Friday)
96 pages = $2.00
Bank: $80.00
July 2nd
Finished The Island by Clarissa Johal (Book with water on the cover)
210 pages = $6.00
Still reading
Niceville by Carsten Stroud (4th of July extra)
Drowned City by Don Brown (Free read Friday)
Bank: $74.00
July 2nd
Finished Decelerate Blue by Adam Rapp & Mike Cavallaro (1st Free Read Friday)
200 pages = $4.00
Finished Every Ugly Word by Aimee L. Salter (Author's name has "Tesla" letters)
282 pages = $6.00 (not counting because of user error)
Finished The Nest by Kenneth Oppel (2nd Free Read Friday)
272 pages = $6.00
Roll: 9
Landed on Water Works (a book with water on the cover or where someone cries)
Book: The Island by Clarissa Johal
Bank: $64.00
June 26th
Finished The Wild Robot by Peter Brown (Talking animals)
277 pages = $6.00
Free Read Friday
Book: Decelerate Blue by Adam Rapp & Mike Cavallaro
Roll: 9
Landed on Electric Company
Book: Every Ugly Word by Aimee L. Salter
Bank: $58.00
June 18th
Finished The Big Fear by Andrew Case (Main character knows how to handle a gun)
274 pages = $3.00
(Memorial Day Extra Roll 2)
Finished Fever Crumb by Philip Reeve (Steampunk)
325 pages = $3.00
(Memorial Day Extra Roll 1)
Roll: 5
Landed on Fantasyland 7
Book: The Wild Robot by Peter Brown (Talking animals)
Bank: $52.00
June 4th
Finished Lost Boy Lost Girl by Peter Straub (Ghost story)
304 pages = $3.00
Memorial Day Extra Roll 1: 10
Landed on Paradise Pier 28
Book: Fever Crumb by Phillip Reeve (Steampunk)
Memorial Day Extra Roll 2: 11
Landed on Frontierland 2
Book: The Big Fear by Andrew Case (Main character knows how to handle a gun)
Bank: $49.00
May 25th
Finished Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes (author born before 1955)
228 pages = $3.00
Roll: 9
Landed on New Orleans Square 19
Book: Lost Boy Lost Girl by Peter Straub (Ghost story)
Bank: $46.00
May 22nd
Finished Lamentation by Joe Clifford (Wintry scene on cover)
202 pages = $3.00
Roll: 6
Landed on Main Street USA 11
Book: Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes (author born before 1955)
Bank: $43.00
May 16th
Finished The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood (from the GO space)
320 pages (according to Amazon) = $3.00
Roll: 7
Landed on Fantasyland 6
Book: Lamentation by Joe Clifford
Bank: $40.00
May 7th
Finished Twilight Eyes
451 pages (according to Amazon) = $5.00
Roll: 6
Landed on GO, free read
Book: The Handmaids Tale by Margaret Atwood
Bank: $35.00
April 24th
Finished Beastly Bones
305 pages = $3.00
Roll: 7
Landed on Paradise Pier (31)
Book: Twilight Eyes by Dean Koontz
Bank: $32.00
April 19th
Bonus $10 from The better to see you, my dear
Nice Luck! Thanks!
Roll: 8 (doubles)
Landed on the Ring square
Roll again: 11
Landed on Chance (25)
Reading: Beastly Bones
Bank: $22.00
April 15th
Roll: 8
Landed on Chance (8)
Book: City of Ember, Graphic Novel
144 pages = $2.00
Bank: $20.00