Time travel adventure

The Book of Time - Guillaume Prévost, Guillaume Prévost

Samuel Faulkner's trouble with time started at 9:48 Saturday morning.

- first sentence


Sam's father is missing. While searching the basement of his father's antique bookstore, Sam finds a statue, a book and a coin. Sam inserts the coin in the statue and is transported back to Scotland in 800 A.D. Every time Sam travels, he must find another coin to use the statue again. But how can he get home, and where is his father?


This is an exciting adventure. Sam travels from the time of the Vikings, to World War 1, to ancient Egypt. He also faces troubles at home with bullies, and his step uncle. He grows and learns from each of his travels, and becomes stronger as well.


Young readers will be drawn into Sam's experience and maybe learn a bit of history along the way. Prevost originally wrote historical mysteries for adults and makes every effort to keep the historical information accurate. His goal (according to the interview in the back of the book), is to show kids that History is fascinating. This is the first book in a trilogy.


Recommended to:

Readers in grades 4-8 who enjoy adventure, time travel or history.