Amulet - Books 1 & 2

For those of you who don't know, my kids are both reluctant readers. This is hard for me because I am such an avid reader. And it drives me crazy to read what "experts" say about how to make your kids readers. Yes, I read to my kids starting from the very beginning (and enjoyed it very much btw). We read together for years, I let them pick books and we read a wide variety of books. They both found books that they adored, as long as I was doing the reading. They saw me reading plenty of times. Blah, Blah, Blah... There is no magical formula.
So, when my son checked this graphic novel out from the school library and read it before the end of the day and came back to the library for the second one, well, I was impressed. He told me how great the book was and that I should read it too. I always try books that kids (especially my own) love and tell me I have to read because they are so amazing. I love that spark and it's so much fun to be able to share their excitement.
Anyway, the Amulet series is fantastic. It starts off with a sad event and quickly moves into the adventure. Another world, a brother and sister trying to rescue their mom from some kind of squid-like creature, a house full of robots, and a magical amulet. There are evil forces and creatures that may or may not be trustworthy.
And the graphics are beautiful. They evoke the moods perfectly, whether dark and dreary or bright and exciting. You can feel the character's sadness, their fear, and their relief when things go right. The power and movement jump right off the page.
By the end of the first book, I was hooked. I took the second from my son as soon as he finished. And he is going back to the library tomorrow to pick up books 3 & 4. I can't wait. At least I know it won't take him long to read them. :)
Recommended to:
Grades 5 - 8, fans of fantasy and adventure, reluctant readers or those who love graphic novels, and anyone who thinks graphic novels are just comics.