This time, the sky isn't falling...
Out on the grasslands where bison roam, Mary McBlicken the prairie chicken is scritch-scratchin' for her breakfast, when all of a sudden she hears a rumblin' and a grumblin' and a tumblin'.
"Stampede's a comin'!" Mary squawks.
-from the book jacket
I have heard our librarian read this book many times and the students LOVE it. Our librarian is great with accents and voices and the story is quite cute. Instead of the sky falling (as in the original Chicken Little story), here Mary thinks a stampede is coming. She heads off to warn Red Dog Dan and gathers her friends along the way. Wait until you find out what is making the noise.
The panic is quite evident in the illustrations, as the feathers are flying and the eyes are bulging. They also bring movement to the story as the grass is blowing and the animals are hurrying along. The illustrations are done with watercolor, ink, and colored pencils and perfectly complement the story.
Fun read aloud story that delights students in grades K through 3, and may even be appreciated by older kids when given the chance.
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Read aloud to children everywhere.