Entertaining story that also teaches...
It’s another exciting Monday for Abigail, Zack, Jacob, and Bo—they are going to jump back to the past to meet Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.! The kids need to convince Dr. King not to get discouraged and to lead one of his famous voting rights marches. And they’ve got to do it with the twins’ baby brother, Gabe, in tow!
-from the book blurb
What a fun story. There is adventure and excitement as the kids meet Martin Luther King, Jr. and try to convince him not to give up on his dream. Along the way, facts are slipped in casually. I learned things I didn't know about the marches and Dr. King, but I didn't feel like I was reading a history textbook.
This is a great book for kids who think they don't like historical fiction. It reminded me a bit of the Magic Tree House series. The mix of facts and adventure is very well done. This is book 4 in the series (other historical figures include Washington, Lincoln, Disney, Alexander Graham Bell, Ben Franklin, Betsy Ross...)
Recommended to:
Students in grades 3-5 who like adventure, especially if they have an interest in a historical figure.