Unlucky 13 - Review

Unlucky 13 (Women's Murder Club) - James Patterson, Maxine Paetro



"I'm fit and she was a loose pile of what-the-fuck happened crammed into the corner behind an upended chair and dining table."

-Lindsay Boxer



Another Women's Murder Club book by James Patterson & Maxine Paetro. If you like the WMC, you will like this book.


But, I must say there were a lot of different plots happening at the same time and I found it hard to get really attached to or engrossed in any of them. Lindsay was chasing the Belly Bomber, Cindy was trying to find an escaped fugitive from previous books, and Yuki was on her honeymoon which was interrupted by an attack. All of the plot lines could have been fleshed out more and then would have been more exciting. As it was, I didn't care much what happened in any of them and felt little if any sense of suspense.


Also, I was disappointed in the ending. Each plot seemed to close with little excitement or fanfare. They were just resolved. And then, the book was over and I was like, "oh, ok".


So, not a bad read, but nothing special really. And, as always with Patterson, short chapters and a really fast read.


Recommended to:

Fans of Patterson's Women's Murder Club series. If you haven't read any of the WMC, I suggest you start with the first one, I think it was better. At least, I remember liking it more than this. Or, just read another Patterson series, like the Alex Cross stories. Also better in the beginning. Oh well.