Didn't live up to the title...

The Interestings: A Novel - Meg Wolitzer



The Interestings follows a group of privileged, self-centered kids from their teenage years at a summer camp for the arts through adulthood. Julie Jacobson is from a simpler background. She meets the group at camp and decides to change her name to Jules. She is enamored and envious of the rich kids. An event occurs between two members of the group that changes their lives drastically and the others disagree on who is to blame. As the story progresses, you see things from different character's points of view and learn more about each of them.


The premise of this book seemed promising and it got many good reviews. This is not typically my type of book. I don't remember what made me buy it, but I must have read something somewhere that made me think it would appeal to me. Well, I was wrong, This book bored me from the beginning. I kept hoping it would get better and something interesting would happen. But, it never did.


In theory this book should have been at the very least fun for all the decades it covered and the background they provided. But, the characters were unlikable, self-centered, boring and just plain uninteresting. 


Bottom Line:

Overhyped coming of age story that didn't pan out.