Outpost - Review

Follow Deuce and her friends as they fight the muties (which aren't exactly zombies) and look for a safe refuge. Have they found safety in Salvation or is this where they will end their days fighting an enemy that seems unbeatable?
I don't want to give anything away. It's hard to review books in a series sometimes. I would say that it's best not to read this review if you haven't read Enclave (you can find my Enclave review here http://jadedog13.booklikes.com/post/1111865/enclave-review).
This book continues to follow Deuce, Fade, Teagan and Stalker as they attempt to navigate the world they find themselves in. Between trying to fit in at Salvation and trying to fight the muties, they don't get much peace. While Salvation seems safe, you can't be sure of much in this world. The enemy is still out there and the wood walls surrounding Salvation won't keep them safe forever.
I really enjoyed this series. I will admit that I do have a thing for zombie and apocalypse stories, so maybe I'm a little biased. But the characters are strong and easy to root for, even some that you think you will never like. I was worried about the love triangle, but it doesn't really take over the story and bottom line is, there is only one boy for Deuce. I love that about her. The boy just needs to realize what he has and stop being jealous.
A great series that I couldn't put down!!
Recommended to:
Young adults (and adults) who enjoy apocalypse and zombie type stories.