Magical, twisty and surprising...

Once Upon the End - James  Riley

"Living a fairy tale sounded good, until you realized you were only getting the bad parts, and all the fairy godmothers and happily ever afters weren't coming."


At the beginning of this final book in the Half Upon a Time series, we find our three heroes separated and trying to avoid the Mirror's prophecy that one of the boys would die and the other would betray May. Jack is training to be a guard for the Evil Queen (known as an Eye). May is living with her stepmother and two stepsisters. And Philip is living in his castle with his mom and Penelope (Sleeping Beauty).


To explain the places where this story takes us would be to give away some of the surprising twists and turns. I would never want to do that. I'd hate to take away the fun of discovering them on your own. Let's just say you will meet even more fairy-tale characters, including the Sandman, Beauty & the Beast and Leprechauns. You even find out the origins of the Grimm Fairy Tale stories. And, of course, Jack's true identity is finally revealed.


The great thing about this series is, it only gets better with each book. And every book surprised me with unexpected revelations. I loved every minute!!


Recommended to

Young Readers to adults. Anyone who enjoys fairy tales and adventures.