Beautiful ending...
The final book in the Pledge series. I finished the second book back in August of 2013. So it took me a little while to get back into the world. I went back and read descriptions of the first two (The Pledge and The Essence). Then I started to remember what a magical world the author created.
In this book, Charlie (aka Queen Charlaina of Ludania) has to once again battle Sabara (whose essence still dwells inside Charlie). But that isn't the worst of it. She faces tragic loss and the threat of war. She tries to find a way to save everyone and not lose herself at the same time.
In this world, queens have the power (as opposed to kings). Queens all have some magical ability. And Sabara has been around for ages. Whenever, her body grows old, she places her essence in a younger queen. Usually, the younger queen's essence disappears; she ceases to exist while Sabara takes complete control of her body. In the case of Charlie, somehow when Sabara's essence entered her, it didn't completely take over and Charlie didn't cease to exist. Thus, Charlie is constantly struggling to maintain control while Sabara tries to take it away from her. Charlie is a good Queen, but will Sabara be her undoing?
Charlie has a strong group of friends and supporters along with her younger sister Angelina. Brooklyn has been her best friend since childhood. Max is the love of Charlie's life. Xander & Eden started as revolutionaries and became so much more. The characters are all well-developed and each have strong personalities.
Recommended to
Anyone who likes fantasy, strong female characters and dystopia.